Personality with colors :)
Hi guys, it's me again :) Todays topic is very short. I made a personality test and i wanted to share it with you. The name of the test was ''Which colour are you?''. To be honest I didn't care so much about what colour I was, but our art teacher wanted us to take the test, so I took it. The results were kind of weird. They said that i had a calm and introvert personality. Ok I'm a little bit shy, but I'm not introvert. I'm also not calm. My friends usually say ''Rana you are the craziest person we have ever seenXD''. But the result didn't say so and my colour was black. I like black actually, but i expected blue, pink or green, but not black XD Anyway, at the end of the test we had to draw ourself with colours of our results.
Here you can see my drawing of myself.

It was a little bit hard to draw my other eye and I was too lazy to do it, so i drew an 'eye patch' on my right eye XD
Annddd that's it :) See you later ^^